Embrace Possbility The Unintended Consequences of Overprotection: When Helping Hurts

The Unintended Consequences of Overprotection: When Helping Hurts

As my parents have gotten older, I’ve found myself wanting to make their lives easier. I’ll offer to carry things for them, handle tasks they used to do themselves, and even suggest they take it easy instead of pushing themselves too hard. It comes from [...]

  • Life Lessons Karl Pillemer

30 Life Lessons from Over a Thousand People Who Have Lived a Full Life

Not too long ago and well into adulthood, I learned a more effective way to tie my shoes (if your shoelaces keep coming untied, you'll want to watch this video). I can bet that no matter how old you are right now, you've probably learned [...]

  • happy father and son

10 Ways to Be Happier When You’re Feeling Just Fine

Recently, I’ve been on a steady diet of books, podcasts, and documentaries related to happiness. This topic piqued my interest ever since I read about the field of positive psychology in Flourish by Martin Seligman (Check out this article based on his ideas). Here’s what [...]

10 books I wish I read earlier in my life but glad I still read them eventually

Have you ever finished a book and found it so useful that you wished you read it much earlier on in your life? I read on average 1-2 books a week (the silver lining to a long commute to work). Most of the books, I read once, glean [...]

Why Good People Do Bad Things

Generally, people are good. At least that’s what I believe and it has served me well. So why is it that some of them do bad things? Unthinkable things? From genocides to bullying From terrorism to financial fraud From smoking to working way too much [...]

How to Be More Disciplined

If someone is next to you right now, ask them this question (if you’re by yourself, ask yourself): How can I be more disciplined? What was the answer? Was it something vague like “You just have to force yourself to do it”? Self-discipline is one [...]

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