Embrace Possbility How to Effectively Break Bad Habits
  • Cigarettes

How to Effectively Break Bad Habits

Being late. Smoking. Procrastinating. We all have bad habits that we want to change. What's frustrating is that we recognize that it's bad for us and clearly see the negative consequences and yet we're powerless to stop it. We see examples of this all around [...]

  • Schematic

Creating an Effective Plan – How to Turn Dreams Into Reality – Part 2

The first part of this 3-part series on turning your dreams into reality showed you how to properly set goals. If you don't have a goal or remember how to set one, I would recommend reviewing How to Turn Dreams Into Reality - Part 1 before [...]

  • Health

3 Ways to Eat Healthier by Your Next Meal

Everyone wants to eat healthier these days but not many people really know how. Avoiding fast food restaurants or eating foods labeled "organic" is a good start but it isn't enough. The good news is eating healthy is not difficult. Here are 3 ways to start eating [...]

  • sleeping baby

Tired but Cannot Sleep? – How to End Sleeplessness Once and for All

(Lying in bed awake) Me: (to myself) I really need to sleep, I have to wake up early tomorrow morning. I don't believe it's already 2:21am. I am only going to get 3.6 hours of sleep... (more time passes) Me: (to myself) Why can't I sleep? [...]

How to Meditate for People Who Don’t Meditate

I was faced with a problem. How do I meditate when I've never really meditated before? What was meditation really? Do I just sit cross-legged and chant "om"? How do I know if I am doing it right? This desire to meditate all began when [...]

  • Tame Your Mind

How to Tame Your Mind

  Yoga Instructor: Breathe in through your nose ... breathe out through your nose. Me: (thinking) in through my nose ... out through my ... this is interesting, I am going to do this when I get back to New York ... wait ... I should [...]

  • Too Tired

The Three Reasons Why You Should Sleep More

If you are getting 7-9 hours of sleep every day, stop reading this article now. If you're still reading, then you probably want to sleep more but for some reason can't justify it. Here are the three reasons why you need to sleep more starting [...]

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