Embrace Possbility The Unintended Consequences of Overprotection: When Helping Hurts

The Unintended Consequences of Overprotection: When Helping Hurts

As my parents have gotten older, I’ve found myself wanting to make their lives easier. I’ll offer to carry things for them, handle tasks they used to do themselves, and even suggest they take it easy instead of pushing themselves too hard. It comes from [...]

  • letting go locks on a chain fence

18 Warning Signs You’re Too Attached – And What to Do About It

Over the past few months, as part of my meditation practice, I’ve been exploring Zen Buddhism and its teachings about attachment. Recently, I came across a quote by Indian Jesuit priest and psychotherapist Anthony De Mello that really struck me: “Now the tragedy of an [...]

  • triathlete open water swimming

Navigating Life’s Currents: One Important Lesson from Open Water Swimming

I'm training for my first Olympic-distance triathlon, and because I didn't swim growing up in NYC, I've been focusing on my swim technique in an indoor pool. Swimming in open water is a new experience for me and a few weeks ago, I went for [...]

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