Why Good People Do Bad Things
Generally, people are good. At least that’s what I believe and it has served me well. So why is it that some of them do bad things? Unthinkable things? From genocides to bullying From terrorism [...]
How to Effectively Manage Your Time
For those of you who follow this site, you may have noticed that I haven't posted any new articles recently. The main reason is I've been single-tasking, a technique Leo Babauta uses to get a [...]
3 Reasons Why Most People are Bad Communicators
Every day you miscommunicate something to someone. You don't do it intentionally but it happens. It actually happens all the time, you just don’t know it. The only time you realize there is a miscommunication [...]
How to Be More Disciplined
If someone is next to you right now, ask them this question (if you’re by yourself, ask yourself): How can I be more disciplined? What was the answer? Was it something vague like “You just [...]
Modeling Success Series – William Zinsser – #2
(For those of you who are not familiar with this series or the benefits of modeling success, please read the beginning of this post) (Sadly, William Zinsser passed away on May 12, 2015) For the [...]
William Zinsser’s Commencement Speech at Wesleyan University 1988
Seventeen years before Steve Job's famous commencement address at Stanford in 2005, William Zinsser addressed the graduating class at Wesleyan University with a speech that was phenomenal. I came across this commencement address while writing up [...]
The Real Reason You Brush Your Teeth Before Going to the Dentist
I've been guilty of it. A day or two before my dentist's appointment, I will spend twice the amount of time brushing my teeth and triple the time flossing (I'm normally a fast flosser). I [...]
Are You Bored at Work?
2:35pm... 2:37pm... 2:40pm... Is this what work is like for you? Constantly checking the clock and watching the time slowly crawl by? Are you bored at work and find yourself either surfing the internet or [...]