How to be a good friend
I have friends, and as I reflect on how they became my friends, it sort of just happened. I don't remember doing anything to deserve their friendship, and beyond checking in and getting together once [...]
4 Ways to Overcome Your Weaknesses
Do you ever find yourself consistently falling short to achieve your goals? If you can identify any patterns, you have likely hit upon one way to uncover your weaknesses. Understanding your weaknesses is perhaps more [...]
Work is a rubber ball
I found this quote from author James Patterson (Suzanne's Diary for Nicholas) an excellent one for reminding us of the key priorities in life: “Imagine life is a game in which you are juggling five [...]
Health Hack: Unleashing the Transformative Power of Routines and Rules
As a parent of two young kids, I've seen firsthand the power of routines and rules to help them regulate sleep and develop healthy habits. Unfortunately, when it comes to my own life, I see [...]
How to Value Time Over Money
Smart people know that time is money. Wise people understand that time is more valuable than money and with the fast-paced world we're in, time is more valuable than ever. But if we look hard [...]
Practical Tips for Dealing with Regret
Regret: it's something we all experience at one point or another. Maybe you wish you had taken a different job, or said something differently in an important conversation. Perhaps you regret not traveling more when [...]
30 Life Lessons from Over a Thousand People Who Have Lived a Full Life
Not too long ago and well into adulthood, I learned a more effective way to tie my shoes (if your shoelaces keep coming untied, you'll want to watch this video). I can bet that no [...]
The Three Roads to Happiness (or 3 Ways to Be Happier Throughout Your Lifetime)
Are you happy right now? If so, how do you know? Don't worry if you're unsure - you're not alone. Happiness can be difficult to pin down. Are we happy or not? Is happiness an [...]