How to Actually Let Go
"You should just let it go." "Stop letting it bother you. Why don't you let it go." "Let it go, it'll feel better." If only it were that easy. Often, we hear this well-meaning advice [...]
Expect Less (Relationship Quick Tip #3)
Expectations, no matter how well-meaning, create pressure on others. Some, like Dr. David Hawkins, call expectations emotional blackmail. When most people are met with pressure, their natural response is to resist. To ensure your relationships [...]
Got Nagged? (Relationship Quick Tip #2)
If you find that someone is constantly nagging you or saying the same things over and over again, your best bet to break the cycle is to: Acknowledge the positive contribution they are making in [...]
Lessons Learned Writing My Second Book (Selling Your Expertise)
My second book, Selling Your Expertise, just launched last month (April 2022), and to date, completing this book project has been one of my most challenging ordeals. As with all tough experiences, it pushed me [...]
Four Thousand Weeks by Oliver Burkeman
(click on book cover for more details) Four Thousand Weeks: Time Management for Mortals Published: August 2021 ISBN-10: 0374159122 EP Rating: 5 out of 5 (must read) EP Main [...]
What’s the big deal? (Relationship Quick Tip #1)
In any relationship, personal or professional, whenever you hear yourself saying or thinking, "What's the big deal?" pause and take whatever you've just dismissed seriously. Something that's not a big deal to you is likely [...]
When you’re finding it tough to get up in the mornings …
consider ... getting more sleep? But of course, your hesitancy to start your day is likely more involved than getting more sleep. I've been re-reading Meditations by Marcus Aurelius (free MIT version) and the following [...]
The Power of Acceptance
At the start of this year, I began reading Leo Tolstoy's daily devotional, A Calendar of Wisdom. I found today's entry particularly apt for these trying times: "We would think a man insane who, instead [...]