Embrace Possbility How to Feel Better Right Away
  • Feel Better Right Away

How to Feel Better Right Away

We have our up days and unfortunately, we have our down days. Would you believe me if I told you that you can feel better right away on those down days? Probably not. And I don't expect you to. We've been conditioned to think there [...]

The 8 Most Practical Ways to Stop Procrastinating

(right before the deadline and exhausted) ...finally done. (sighs with relief) Time to get some rest. Next time I'm going to start earlier so I don't have to go through this again. (goes to sleep for the next 2 days) This was me before every major [...]

  • Cigarettes

How to Effectively Break Bad Habits

Being late. Smoking. Procrastinating. We all have bad habits that we want to change. What's frustrating is that we recognize that it's bad for us and clearly see the negative consequences and yet we're powerless to stop it. We see examples of this all around [...]

It is Risky to be Stable because…

... well, before I tell you what it is, let's define stable. When something is stable, it is not likely to change. All my life, I've been raised to believe that stability is a good thing - stable job, stable relationship, stable government - but [...]

  • Too Tired

The Three Reasons Why You Should Sleep More

If you are getting 7-9 hours of sleep every day, stop reading this article now. If you're still reading, then you probably want to sleep more but for some reason can't justify it. Here are the three reasons why you need to sleep more starting [...]

Why Telling Yourself to Stop Bad Habits Never Work

Tell yourself to stop reading this article now. Seriously, don't read any further. If you're still reading and you've read up to this line now, you have proven exactly why telling yourself to stop doing something never works. Just for emphasis: Don't think about what [...]

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