Embrace Possbility The Unintended Consequences of Overprotection: When Helping Hurts

The Unintended Consequences of Overprotection: When Helping Hurts

As my parents have gotten older, I’ve found myself wanting to make their lives easier. I’ll offer to carry things for them, handle tasks they used to do themselves, and even suggest they take it easy instead of pushing themselves too hard. It comes from [...]

  • Life Lessons Karl Pillemer

30 Life Lessons from Over a Thousand People Who Have Lived a Full Life

Not too long ago and well into adulthood, I learned a more effective way to tie my shoes (if your shoelaces keep coming untied, you'll want to watch this video). I can bet that no matter how old you are right now, you've probably learned [...]

  • Cigarettes

How to Effectively Break Bad Habits

Being late. Smoking. Procrastinating. We all have bad habits that we want to change. What's frustrating is that we recognize that it's bad for us and clearly see the negative consequences and yet we're powerless to stop it. We see examples of this all around [...]

  • Too Tired

The Three Reasons Why You Should Sleep More

If you are getting 7-9 hours of sleep every day, stop reading this article now. If you're still reading, then you probably want to sleep more but for some reason can't justify it. Here are the three reasons why you need to sleep more starting [...]

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