"Take a job that you love. I think you are out of your mind if you keep taking jobs that you don’t like because you think it will look good on your resume. Isn’t that a little like saving up sex for your old age?"
-Warren Buffett

If you're unfulfilled at work, it's probably because your current job or career is not the right fit for you.
Like most people, you probably chose your current job for external factors such as money, status or availability and to succeed, you had to fit yourself to the job even if it went against your natural inclinations. Despite experiencing professional success in your role, you're probably beginning to find your job tiring and meaningless.
This was my exact experience.
How did this all begin?
(skip this section if you want to go straight to course details)
After graduating from an Ivy League university with practical majors (Chemistry and Economics), I chose jobs based on external factors that I thought other people would approve of and admire. At first, the roles were interesting because I was learning something new. After a while, despite being successful and performing well, I found myself wanting something more.
I accepted this dissatisfaction as the nature of "work" because growing up, I believed passion was something reserved for a select few and that everyone else just followed a similar path in life: get good grades, graduate from school, land a stable job, start a family and grow old. It was silly to think you can find your passion.
This all changed after I read 2 books (The Pathfinder by Nicholas Lore and What Color is Your Parachute by Richard Bolles). The books' insights helped me see a different possibility: one where you can find and pursue your professional calling through active and continuous self-reflection.
Following these insights have launched me into a life of passion and purpose bringing clarity, sustained engagement, and happiness. I discovered that once you have your own dreams, you stop wasting time falling in love with and pursuing other people’s dreams. You do what you want to do and you know why you’re doing it.
Having made such positive changes in my life, I naturally wanted to share this with my close friends and family. I realized that most people didn't live up to their full potential not because they don’t want to or couldn’t, but because they didn’t know how. I would recommend the two books mentioned to many of my friends and found that not everyone enjoys wading through a 300-page book.
This is when I decided to combine my:
Purpose to help others reach their full potential
Interest in personal and professional growth
Ability to connect with people and to learn, simplify and teach complex ideas
to create the Know What You Want Workshop. This program is designed to give you the tools needed to take the first step and sustain momentum towards getting your dream job and finding your calling in life.
Who should take this course?
You may benefit from this course if:
You are unhappy at work.
You don’t know what you want to do with your life and need direction.
You're looking to go back to school, but you don't know why. (Read this to find out why that may be a bad idea)
You can not answer the question: “Why do you do the work that you do?”.
Your answer to “How is work going?” is the “same old sh#t, different day“.
You want clarity and you don’t want to end up like other people you know because it seems like you are following their path.
You feel like you always need to change to “fit” the job.
You want to learn more about yourself.
You want the practical answer to "How do I find a job?".
There are 10 lessons split among three major parts of this course. In Part 1, most of the exercises are designed to help you look within and explore who you are, what you're good at and what you're interested in. The goal is to get a clear picture of yourself. This clarity will be the basis for the next two parts.
In Part 2, you will receive tools and insights to help you find the jobs that will fit you and to help you identify your ideal environment. Finally, in Part 3, you will learn effective strategies to help you transition from where you are to where you want to be.
This course is not for people who:
Define a dream job as getting paid a lot of money to do nothing all day
Hope I'll do all the work for them and hand them their dream job in a nicely wrapped package at the end
If you're one of these people, this program will not help you.
For all of you who are still reading and truly want to find out what you're put on this earth to do, this course is for you.
Why is this an online course?
As the workshop continues to gain interest and enrollment, the challenge with in-person workshops is the lack of scalability. Also, many of the exercises take time to work through. Some people can complete them within 30-minutes and some might need 30 days depending on how much they've already thought about the topic.
These two limitations led me to create the online version of this course.
It is designed for you to go at your own pace. As with any course, you will get what you put in.
What's the cost?
This course is designed to be accessible to all because of the positive impact it can create for you and the world.
We found that people who invested in themselves by signing up for the full version of the course tended to finish all the lessons and achieved the best results. The current price for member access is $159 USD.
For those of you who do not have the financial means but are willing to commit to completing the course, see the sign-up page for an option to get your registration fee waived.
If you would like to try the first lesson of the course, sign up for our free membership.
When can I start the course?
What previous workshop attendees have to say:
"I learned about Rob’s “Know What You Want” 2-day Workshop through a friend in hopes to find, clarify and land my dream job within months of taking the workshop. I will admit that at first, I was a bit skeptical about taking the workshop because I wasn’t convinced that I “needed” advice on how I can land my dream job if I don’t know what my dream job is. The purpose of this workshop is to get you closer to identifying the dream job. Let’s face it, we can all use a little career guidance regardless of what stage we are in our careers. Rob’s workshop gave me the confidence to take the necessary steps and set the right goals to reaching the ideal job. What he isn’t going to do is tell you exactly what your dream job is and hand it to you because that’s just unrealistic.My background: I have been working in the Financial Services industry for 3.5 years as a Senior Consultant at a Big Four Accounting firm. In the last 2 years, I have been experiencing the “quarter-life crisis” where I’m constantly questioning myself – Where do I see myself in 5 and 10 years? Is this job really for me? Should I go back to school? Is it time to make the switch? If so, where should I go and what would I do? If any of these questions cross your mind, it’s great to explore the various opportunities out there but it’s even more important to understand what current skill sets you possess and how that might translate to your next opportunity. The workshop is targeted to help those who may be a bit unclear about their future career path and Rob is there to help you untangle some of the questions. He is an excellent and intelligent coach to work with because he is a great listener, responsive and extremely knowledgeable in many areas that may be of your concern.
From the very start of the workshop, I believed in Rob because he carried himself confidently and professionally. He also manages all aspect of his life very well which makes him qualified for the position. Rob is genuinely interested in your potential to succeed as long as you’re willing to be flexible in both your thinking and actions. In my case, we worked on a few one-on-one coaching sessions after the workshop which were the most helpful because that’s where he had the opportunity to dive deep into my interests and concerns. From there, we developed a meaningful professional relationship.
Because of his workshop and guidance, I continued to pursue my interests. I have taken more steps to get me closer to my dream job. I will continue to work with Rob for his continuous support and would recommend to his workshop to everyone!”
“The Know What You Want Workshop not only gave me a holistic view on my ideal career, but also the tools to map out what I want in my career. The workshop helped me focus on my values and what I like, opposed to what I think I should like. Furthermore, through attending the workshop, I was able to meet other professionals and expand my network. As a whole, the workshop was organized, interactive, and definitely engaging. I highly recommend it!”This is the follow up testimonial from Esther:
“When I attended Rob’s Know What You Want Workshop, I was still in college and feeling a bit hopeless. I did not know what I was looking for in my career and was not doing too well in my job application
process. Through the workshop I was able to clarify and weigh the different things I value most in my ideal career.What I found most helpful was the 1-on-1 sessions with Rob. He helped me on many fronts from interviewing, identifying specific positions, improving weaknesses, and just overall analysis and feedback on my job
search process. After college, I successfully found a job with many of the attributes that I was looking for, so I would definitely recommend Rob’s program.”
"The Know What You Want Workshop is a fantastic way to find direction in what I want to accomplish in life. I received personalized advice and ideas to reach my own specific goals, rather than generic ideas I could have read in self-help books. The best part about attending was the feeling I got that Robert is really out to help me and wants me to succeed. His passion to help people can be seen right away and I left feeling very enlightened."
“I attended the 2 day Know What You Want career workshop and found it to be very professional/organized and thought-provoking. Classes were small and interactive. If you feel a little lost or in need of some direction on your career path, this is the class for you!”
“I am someone who is very work driven and often thinks I know exactly what I need. Despite this, I still found the “Know What You Want” Career Workshop to be very helpful. The course was quite comprehensive and made me really slow down to reflect on who I am, my values, what was important and not important in my life. This course is a great resource for those in need of some guidance in their career paths.”
“The knowledge I gained after attending the Know What You Want workshop had an immense and positive affect on my overall attitude towards life. This workshop is not an infomercial promising instant results. You will gain an understanding of your values and establish a strong foundation to help you move forward in your life/career.Since the workshop, I have used all that I learned and accomplished a whole host of goals, both personal and professional.
Major goals accomplished since the “Know what you want” workshop:
* Trained for and ran the Staten Island half marathon (health goal)
* Organized and currently running a basketball league with 36 participants (community goal)
* Hosted a “lunch and learn” at my workplace on photography (self confidence goal)A lot of time and effort was put into this workshop to help you find your passion and bring to light the tools that are needed to be successful in whatever you choose to pursue. Robert is a true professional who takes pride in uncovering your strengths and fusing them with your passion(s).”
“At first, I didn’t know what to expect or what I can get out of the Know What You Want workshop. I was three years out of college, working in my 2nd job, and questioning myself if this was really it; if what I was doing and the career path I was on was right for me. The problem was that I had no idea what I wanted to do; I didn’t even know where to start. I took the workshop and felt that it really made me reflect on myself and helped me to realize how my life can be so much more fulfilling if I loved my job. Rob’s workshop also provided me with the tools and resources I needed to continue researching on how to get there. Rob is really passionate about what he does and it is apparent in his work and communication. I am very thankful and excited to be working with him on this important journey and confident that I will get there with his help.”
“The Know What You Want workshop has truly helped opened up my mind to further reach my goals. It has helped clarify my core strengths and weaknesses that would enable me to do my best in my ideal career environment. With the help of the career coach, I was able to hone in on skills to find a job that best fits my criteria. Instead of me finding a random job and having myself assumed I can adapt into it, I am able to look for a job that I can excel and gain knowledge of my interest and use.”